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Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX C Compact Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED
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Audio Ltd. More from this brand

Audio Ltd A10 RX SL Two-channel Receiver and A10 TX Band C Digital Wireless Transmitter - USED

  • Used | 9/10 | 90 Day Warranty

  • No real marks on the unit, only slight scratches to the finish of the transmitter on the back around where the the belt clip connects to the unit.

Newly serviced and in excellent working order. 3 month warranty and the system comes with antenna and also a superslot capable connection plate for the receiver. A considerable saving on new. Band C TX is 594-694Mhz.
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